Early October saw Green Shoots develop in Haslemere Town, as the Council’s Climate and Biodiversity Emergency Committee (CBEC) considered how they could improve and enhance their open spaces, following a Biodiversity Audit conducted by Alyne Ecology, in close liaison with Haslemere Biodiversity Project. COPSE conducted an updated botanical survey of Lion Green Orchard, following the orchard planting and implementation of a cut and collect maintenance regime in 2021. This orchard space has increased in floristic diversity since these changes. Haslemere Biodiversity Project, National Trust and Buglife also re-seeded Churt Road, Hindhead roadside to create a 0.75km length of wildflower verge.
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December 2024
CategoriesAuthorsGareth is an ecologist interested in conserving traditional orchards and heritage fruit, for people and wildlife. |